Hens, chickens and eggs, a source of income and nutrition

Posted on Oct 18, 2022 by danielamo


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It's so important that our families have hens for a constant supply of eggs and all the protein and essential nutrients they provide. Naru trains mothers on how to feed and take care of them – including home-made feed.


Hens, chickens, and eggs; a source of income and nutrition

Narú is based in very rural areas of Guatemala, and the families we work with live in even more remote villages. This is often one of the reasons why many families have had at least one case of malnutrition in one of their children. Why?

Analyzing each bullet of the list of causes of malnutrition in Guatemala is very extensive, mainly because the circumstances of each family are different and the variables are infinite. However, to mention one or two, it is lack of employment > lack of resources > lack of food.

However, despite everything, it is possible to get food, and that is what we have been teaching in our families over the last few years.


Narú's support

Having chickens at home is a great advantage. Eggs provide a constant supply of protein and other essential nutrients; they are a very versatile ingredient in the kitchen. That's why Narú trains mothers to take care of the hens, feed them and teach them simple but very nutritious recipes in the kitchen. Once trained, we provide a "starter pack" of adolescent chickens whose own chicks and organic eggs can also become a source of income for the families. At Ochoch Charmak we always have around 80 running around happily!

starter pack

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